Dev blog

  • Subsonic 3 – ActiveRecord – T4 tweak

    Quick reminder : I’m using Subsonic 3 ActiveRecord on a MSSQL database. One of the nice things with Subsonic 3 is to be able to generate your classes from the database fast and easy. But sometimes when you are many working on the same project or when you work on different machines, it happens that…

  • Subsonic 3 – ActiveRecord – Bug DateTime with default value

    Tonight I just had the weirdest bug using Subsonic 3 and I just solved it, and if it can save you some time here is the solution for my case. If you get this error : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error:…

  • TortoiseSVN icons absent on windows 7

    Some days ago I lost my icons indicating the status of the files in svn. I uninstalled TortoiseSVN and then installed again, unfortunaly still no luck at the end. Today, I attacked the problem for a second time and actually found the solution on stackoverflow. Instead of copying it here, here is the link to…

  • Problem solving : Windows startup (related to memory)

    Warning : If you have a problem with your computer and you’re at ease with computer hardware, you could attempt what is included within this article. However, please note that you are on your own, I will not be held responsible if it turns out bad. A computer has been submitted to me on thursday…

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