Category: Development

  • sysPass 2.1.8 – Text not being translated

    After some hours being lost, I discovered why sysPass translation system was not doing anything even if locale was installed. The issue lies in setLocales (/inc/SP/Core/Language.class.php), it doesn’t set all language variable. putenv(‘LANG=’ . $lang); is not enough. The following line needs to be added. putenv(‘LANGUAGE=’ . $lang); It works with this but according to…

  • Allow connections to mysql through firewall (IPTABLES) from your network.

    *Not in production* List the content of your iptables and display your numbers. sudo iptables -n -L –line-numbers In my case, at the 7th line was the drop all line so it’s the place where I want to insert. eth1 is the network interface on my computer that I wanted to allow access on. Run…

  • Crystal Report – maximum report processing jobs limit

    If you encounter the following error… CrystalDecisions.Shared.CrystalReportsException: Load report failed. —> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The maximum report processing jobs limit configured by your system administrator has been reached. Make sure you do the following after you are done with the report object…. report.Close(); report.Dispose(); It will probably save you some time.

  • Subsonic 3 – ActiveRecord – T4 tweak

    Quick reminder : I’m using Subsonic 3 ActiveRecord on a MSSQL database. One of the nice things with Subsonic 3 is to be able to generate your classes from the database fast and easy. But sometimes when you are many working on the same project or when you work on different machines, it happens that…

  • Subsonic 3 – ActiveRecord – Bug DateTime with default value

    Tonight I just had the weirdest bug using Subsonic 3 and I just solved it, and if it can save you some time here is the solution for my case. If you get this error : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error:…

  • TortoiseSVN icons absent on windows 7

    Some days ago I lost my icons indicating the status of the files in svn. I uninstalled TortoiseSVN and then installed again, unfortunaly still no luck at the end. Today, I attacked the problem for a second time and actually found the solution on stackoverflow. Instead of copying it here, here is the link to…